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Day 4 Recap

Day 1 Recap Poster

Almost at the homestretch of Day 4 of Hawaii Derm’s end, today attendees enjoyed a comprehensive agenda that brings them current on various new research and treatment options.

Hawaii Derm is a valuable meeting because it truly serves as a yearly crash course on "everything you need to know" about medical and aesthetic dermatology. The information is up-to-date, concise, and delivered in a bite-sized format that makes it easy to digest and remember!

— Omer Ibrahim, MD

Hearing firsthand and interacting with experts in the field of cutaneous oncology in a friendly and collegial manner about issues relevant in today’s age.

— Faculty Dr. Ashfaq Marghoob shared one of the most critical aspects of Hawaii Derm for him as a faculty and as an attendee

I found yesterday’s discussions and live injections for cosmetic injectables very valuable, Dr. Michael Kaminer shared. We had an incredible panel, and every year we learn valuable new techniques and perspectives. I’m also excited about enhancements we have made to the program that make cosmetic dermatology more accessible to general dermatologists.

In my presentations yesterday, Dr. Mark Rubin shared, a central theme was that nuance makes a big difference in cosmetic dermatology. Paying attention to detail is very important.

So what was covered specifically on Day 4?

  • Session XI: Practical Points for Common Pediatric Skin Conditions
  • Session XII: Pediatric Dermatology Management Updates
  • Session XIII: Pediatric Dermatology Diagnosis and Management Challenges
  • And the Dermoscopy Workshop!—from Ashfaq A. Marghoob, MD

Almost at the homestretch of Day 4 of Hawaii Derm’s end, today attendees enjoyed a comprehensive agenda that brings them current on various new research and treatment options.

Hawaii Derm is a valuable meeting because it truly serves as a yearly crash course on "everything you need to know" about medical and aesthetic dermatology. The information is up-to-date, concise, and delivered in a bite-sized format that makes it easy to digest and remember!

— Omer Ibrahim, MD

Hearing firsthand and interacting with experts in the field of cutaneous oncology in a friendly and collegial manner about issues relevant in today’s age.

— Faculty Dr. Ashfaq Marghoob shared one of the most critical aspects of Hawaii Derm for him as a faculty and as an attendee

I found yesterday’s discussions and live injections for cosmetic injectables very valuable, Dr. Michael Kaminer shared. We had an incredible panel, and every year we learn valuable new techniques and perspectives. I’m also excited about enhancements we have made to the program that make cosmetic dermatology more accessible to general dermatologists.

In my presentations yesterday, Dr. Mark Rubin shared, a central theme was that nuance makes a big difference in cosmetic dermatology. Paying attention to detail is very important.

So what was covered specifically on Day 4?

  • Session XI: Practical Points for Common Pediatric Skin Conditions
  • Session XII: Pediatric Dermatology Management Updates
  • Session XIII: Pediatric Dermatology Diagnosis and Management Challenges
  • And the Dermoscopy Workshop!—from Ashfaq A. Marghoob, MD
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